2019-2020 Master's Class Reunion
Jul 28, 2021

The Geosystems Engineering master's class that graduated in 2020 held a reunion at Ohlone Park in Berkeley to celebrate their graduation from the program. Due to COVID-19, the graduation was held virtually in Spring 2020 and many of the students were not able to say goodbye in person. A reunion was held a year later to distribute the UC Berkeley Geosystems rocks and to reconnect.
Pictured left to right
Back row: Professor Kenichi Soga, Ji Sun, Monica Woo, Anne Robertson, Tsung-Yen Lee, Brittany Russo, Jon Oyan, Joel Given, JunYu Lei
Front Row: Julia Hsu, Mita Nguyen, Jhih-Rou Huang, Quinn Todzo, Parker Blunts, Paige Hval, Yonathon Hartojo, Wyatt Iwanaga, Hasitha Wijesuriya