The 2022 Geotechnical Engineering Research Symposium was a success!
Nov 28, 2022

The sixth annual UC Berkeley Geotechnical Engineering Research Symposium was held on November 18, 2022, at the Banatao Auditorium in Sutardja Dai Hall. The symposium showcased current research works in the GeoSystems Engineering group at UC Berkeley and bridged academic and industry communities.
The keynote speakers for the event were four Ph.D. and postdoctoral researchers in the GeoSystems Engineering program. They presented their research findings and potential avenues for future projects. The presenters and the title of their presentation were:
Camilo Pinilla-Ramos, a Ph.D. candidate working with Professor Robert Kayen and Professor Norman Abrahamson, on "Broad-band evaluation of the San Francisco Bay Area velocity model through 3D seismological simulations."
Weibing Gong, a Ph.D. candidate working with Professor Dimitrios Zekkos and Professor Marin Clark, on "Regional-scale back-calculation and prediction of co-seismic landslides."
Bodhinanda Chandra, a Ph.D. candidate working with Professor Kenichi Soga, on "Improving accuracy and efficiency in material point method (MPM) for both single and multi-phase continua."
Kil-Wan Ko, a postdoctoral researcher working with Professor Robert Kayen, on "Energy-Based Method for Prediction of Excess Pore Water Pressure in Liquefiable Soil."
An industry panel followed a successful networking and poster presentation. Three prominent engineers from the industry, Eric Bao from One Concern, Clifford Chan from EBMUD, and Shah Vahdani from Applied Geodynamics, gave their insight on the topic of "Climate Impact on Infrastructure Resiliency."
The event was organized by the GeoEngineering Graduate Student Association at UC Berkeley and funded by the UC Berkeley Graduate Assembly. The happy hour after the event was sponsored by the San Francisco Geotechnical Institute (SFGI).