Soga Students Attend the MPM Workshop
Oct 07, 2022

Dr. Yong Liang (Postdoctoral researcher), Bodhinanda Chandra (PhD candidate), and Joel Given (PhD student) recently traveled to University of Texas, Austin to represent Prof. Kenichi Soga’s Computational Geomechanics research team at this year’s Material Point Method (MPM) Workshop.
The workshop provides an opportunity for researchers to present and discuss on-going work related to theoretical and computational developments in the MPM. Additionally, researchers can showcase interesting applications of the MPM. In total, 19 presentations were given over the course of the workshop by a range of researchers from across the country and globe.
Dr. Yong Liang presented on: Shear band evolution and post-failure simulation using an improved extended material point method
Bodhinanda Chandra presented on: Improving the Accuracy and Efficiency of Hydro-mechanical Coupled MPM in Modeling Small and Large Deformation Geomechanical Problems
Joel Given presented on: Reducing Quadrature Errors with CutMesh MPM